I was pleased that four councilors voted in favor of bond funds that will support repair and renovation of the Alfond Municipal Pool this summer. I’m urging the three councilors that voted to subtract the funds to reconsider before the final vote on July 7.
Undertaking repairs and renovations during a time when the pool is already closed because of COVID-19 just makes sense. Why wait and then have to close the pool again a few summers from now to make repairs that experts have deemed necessary?
I often hear people say, “I don’t use the pool” or “My kids go to the lake instead” as reasons for why money shouldn’t be spent on renovations. Well, I don’t often use the pool, and I don’t even have kids, but I fully recognize the value it adds to Waterville. It isn’t about me; it’s about providing a safe, fun, and healthy outdoor activity for our youth and residents. Sometimes, a vote isn’t about our own individual needs and desires, but rather, it’s about the vitality of the community as a whole.
The pool serves as an attraction for tens of thousands of visitors each season, meaning not only healthy fun, but also revenue for surrounding businesses. Let’s fund repairs and renovations now while it’s already closed and reopen next summer with an even more vibrant and safe option for Waterville residents and visitors.
Carrie Hall
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