After publicly supporting Sen. Susan Collins six years ago in her most successful re-election campaign, the Maine Council of Machinists, which includes two unions at Bath Iron Works, has recently abandoned their electoral support of Maine’s senior senator in favor of a newcomer.

Those who follow Washington politics know that political muscle in Congress, especially in the Senate, traditionally depends heavily on seniority. Bath Iron Works is struggling to regain its reputation at the Pentagon as one of the country’s best ship builders. That Bath Iron Works machinists would turn their backs on their strongest and most senior supporter in the U.S. Senate severely challenges common sense. Were Sen. Collins re-elected, she would be the12th most senior senator, and the lead Republican on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee.

Provided access to the facts, I am confident that Maine voters, including members of the machinists, will decide privately and quietly which candidate merits their vote.

Alan L. Baker