A truck hit a low hanging power line in Brunswick Friday, pulling it onto the sunshade of Joshua’s Restaurant and Tavern on Maine Street. Contributed photo
BRUNSWICK — A Maine Street restaurant had to evacuate and close its doors Friday after a truck hit a low hanging power line.
Shortly before 11 a.m., a truck owned by Iron Mountain Information Management snagged the lines near the rear of Joshua’s Restaurant and Tavern at 123 Maine St. The truck was driven by 62-year-old Bryan Chase of Hollis, according to police.
Chase was driving through the nearby rear parking lot of Camden National Bank when the truck hit a low hanging wire. The tension snapped the top of an adjacent utility pole. The truck then pulled the power service from the side of Joshua’s Restaurant and Tavern.
A live power line fell on top of the truck, a nearby UPS truck, as well as a sunshade at Joshua’s Restaurant and Tavern, police stated.
No one was hurt and no patrons were near the sunshade at the time. The restaurant was evacuated until Central Maine Power Co. arrived to cut power to and remove the line.
The area was blocked off for about 40 minutes, according to police.
Joshua’s Restaurant and Tavern said on its Facebook page Friday that it was closed for the day. The business reopened Saturday.
The accident happened around the same time CMP was restoring power after a similar incident in Bowdoinham. Just before 10 a.m., a tractor-trailer truck snagged low-hanging wires on lower Main Street, pulling down a utility pole. Power was out for an hour for 1,165 CMP customers in Bowdoinham and Topsham.

A truck pulled down a low hanging power line onto the truck, a UPS truck and a restaurant’s sunshade in Brunswick Friday. Contributed photo
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