President Trump appears to have lost the very-young “vote” in Maine.

Students at K-12 schools across Maine voted for former Vice President Joe Biden over Trump 50.2 percent to 41.5 percent as part of the Student Mock Election organized by the Maine Secretary of State’s Office. Biden received 7,262 votes while Trump received 6,008 votes.

That’s a reversal from four years ago when Maine students chose Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton 42.3 percent to 39.5 percent roughly one week before the Republican shocked many observers by winning the nationwide election.

In fact, Democrats did well across the spectrum among the roughly 14,500 students who participated in the 2020 mock elections.

Democrat Sara Gideon defeated incumbent Republican Sen. Susan Collins 46.3 percent to 41.1 percent in the student elections. Independents Lisa Savage and Max Linn picked up 6.9 percent and 4.3 percent, respectively. Gideon has consistently led Collins in polls of registered Maine voters in a race that ranks as the most expensive in Maine history, by far, and among the most costly nationwide.

In U.S. House races, 1st District incumbent Rep. Chellie Pingree defeated Republican challenger Jay Allen 57.9 percent to 40 percent while 2nd District Rep. Jared Golden defeated Republican Dale Crafts 61.5 percent to 35.9 percent.

Ninety-two schools across Maine participated in the mock election, and the results from the state will be included in results from the National Student Mock Election. Students in Maine have been voting since mid-October, which is a change from the traditional single-day voting during the mock election. Additionally, the traditional “rally and tally” events at schools were canceled this year because of gathering restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The mock election is a great opportunity for students to learn about democracy and feel prepared to exercise their right to vote in a few years,” Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said in a statement. “It’s an important introduction to the process.”

Full results from the students’ mock election can be found at

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