This election is not just about voting records, political stances or parties. As we view the poor behavior of some leaders, character is an essential consideration in voting. Sen. Shenna Bellows is the person of character we need.

When a constituent called to say a neighbor had passed on and had no family or friends, Sen. Bellows took charge and organized volunteers, including my husband, to be pall bearers.

As the pandemic began, she organized calls to seniors in Senate District 14 to see if they were well and if they needed anything including running errands or providing rides.

When a constituent fell on his stairs and broke five vertebrae, Sen. Bellows organized volunteers to drive his wife, who doesn’t drive, to the hospital each day, and on his return home to help with errands.

Please vote for Sen. Shenna Bellows. She has character, and she cares.


Marty Henson


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