Long before this pandemic, Kalie Hess worked diligently to maintain Maine’s public health. Kalie stood with Maine Families for Vaccines defending vaccine laws from unwise and dangerous forces who threatened the safety of our children and schools. Seventy-three percent of Mainers agreed in protecting Maine’s vaccine laws.

Now amongst a shut down, we thank Maine for its wise support for public health. We cannot say the same for Sen. Pouliot. He actively fought our vaccine laws even as disease outbreaks routinely hit local headlines. As we await a vaccine to free us from pandemic paralysis, Sen. Pouliot continues to take funds from anti-vaccine advocates who want our vaccine laws gone.

We the people spoke loudly, wisely, and clearly on this issue; Maine needs leaders who understand science and represent our voices — unfortunately, Sen. Pouliot demonstrates an inability to do either.

Caitlin Gilmet, Portland

Dr. Laura Blaisdell, Fayette

Deb Deatrick, Cumberland

Maine Families for Vaccines

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