2020 is a year none of us will soon forget. What started as one of the best years our state has ever seen quickly turned into one of the most anxious in recent memory. The onset of a global pandemic challenged our way of life, putting many Mainers in a very precarious position. We have tremendous amounts of work to do in the next legislative session to ensure all Mainers have equal access to high-quality health care, lower prescription drug costs and the skills and training needed to stay employed in the coming years.

Residents of Augusta, China, Oakland, Sidney and Vassalboro: Thank you for trusting me to be your voice at the State House during these uncertain times. We will come out of this stronger and better together. I hope to once again earn your vote on Nov. 3. If I may ever be of service, please call anytime, 441-9418.


Sen. Matt Pouliot


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