We urge those in Albion, Benton, Clinton, Fairfield, Unity Township, Waterville and Winslow to vote for Hilary Koch for Maine Senate.

We’ve known Hilary for six years and know how thoughtful, compassionate, and insightful she is. Since March, Hilary has reached out to more than 7,000-plus district voters to learn of their needs and priorities. She can draw from both her professional and personal experiences growing up in a low-income family, as a daughter of a Vietnam veteran, a teacher of pre-K through college, a parent of two sons attending public school, and as a caregiver for her youngest diagnosed at an early age with diabetes requiring insulin.

As a result, she will work in a nonpartisan manner for lower property taxes, affordable health care and prescription drugs, high-quality public education, and job training.

Hilary will listen, deliberate, and make well-founded decisions to benefit Maine’s people, so join us in voting for Hilary Koch.


Sheila Bacon

John Bacon


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