I am voting for Chloe Maxmin because of her commitment to our community and her proven ability to bring us all together around our shared values.

As Mainers we have a deep desire to preserve our traditions, heritage, and everything we love about our home. We also worry for the future as more and more young families leave for cities. We want our children and grandchildren to stay and build lives here too.

We want our children to know the simple pleasures of Saturdays at the speedway, fresh lobster at the wharf, trail runs in fall, and the deep absorbing quiet of winter. We want them to chop wood and know their neighbors, to experience the unique combination of independence and interdependence that makes our community so strong.

If we’re going to build for the future we need young leaders like Chloe. Please vote for Chloe Maxmin for state Senate.


Canyon Woodward


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