While I typically avoid judgmental generalizations like “bad policy” as used by David Vail and Barbara Vickery in Maine Compass on Nov. 6, I shall respond in kind. Many aspects of the corridor proposed by Central Maine Power are “bad policy.” Cutting a brand new 53-mile-long corridor across Maine’s western mountains is “bad policy.” This area is important wildlife habitat. Our forests need be preserved and protected. Having trees that provide a canopy is crucial. Maine is the only state with extensive intact populations of wild, self-reproducing brook trout. These trout are cold water fish. Also reliant on these trees for habitat protection are the indicator species: spotted salamander, blue-spotted salamander, and wood frogs. Indicator species determine the health of an area. Since cutting these trees would have adverse environmental impact on these critters, it is definitely “bad policy.”

When I was standing outside the polls on Nov. 3, I was warmed by the many people who enthusiastically signed my petition to stop the corridor. Most understand that this destructive project is “bad policy” for Maine.

By the way, I did not check with signers to see whether they consider themselves to be Republican or Democrat. “Good people” on both sides of the aisle oppose CMP’s proposal.

“Bad policy” is doing business with a company that has repeatedly exploited Maine residents over the years. Find out where to sign the new petition by checking www.nocmpcorridor.com/events.


Linda Woods


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