WATERVILLE — Inland Hospital will be among eight Northern Light hospitals to each receive a $100,000 grant through a Maine Health Care Financial Relief program.

The Mills Administration announced the program Nov. 30 with a 10-day turnaround for application submissions.

“Maine’s health care providers have risen to countless challenges throughout the pandemic, from caring for those directly and indirectly affected by COVID-19, to protecting their workforces, to partnering with Maine (Department of Health and Human Services) to expand free testing,” said Jeanne Lambrew, commissioner of Maine DHHS.

Northern Light Health Finance and Grant Services teams worked together to submit applications, with Vice President of Finance John Doyle leading the efforts, which led to securing several million dollars in federal and state recovery funding.

“We are eternally grateful that many governmental agencies, both at the federal and state levels, have recognized the tremendous financial strain COVID-19 has placed upon the health delivery system and directed funds in support of our providers,” Doyle said. “This will be a tremendous help.”

“Our team is grateful for the opportunity to partner in support of the heroic efforts of our Northern Light Health colleagues who are caring for our patients, expanding COVID-19 testing, and very soon to be assisting with community vaccinations,” said Doug Michael, chief community health and grants officer. “We’ve been working closely with John and the finance team to quickly seize recovery opportunities that will sustain vital patient care services while engaging in a robust public health response at this critical time.”

The grants are meant to assist in covering losses experienced as a direct result of the pandemic and the system’s public health response. Other hospitals receiving the same grant are Acadia Hospital, AR Gould Hospital, CA Dean Hospital, Eastern Maine Medical Center, Maine Coast Hospital, Mercy Hospital and Sebasticook Valley Hospital.