SIDNEY — Pam’s Playcare Center will be closed until Jan. 19 while the Maine Center for Disease Control investigates an outbreak of COVID-19 that involves at least 10 cases linked to the Middle Road day care.

That investigation was announced during Monday’s news briefing by Maine Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Nirav Shah, who said the investigation was opened the same day.

“As with all investigations, we are in the early stages of working with that facility to make sure that they have everything that they need to provide safety to those who work there as well as those who attend,” Shah said during the briefing. “This involves making sure they’re arranging for periodic testing, as well as making sure they’ve got the latest and most (up) to date information from an infection control perspective.”

Shah reported 313 additional cases of COVID-19 in Maine on Monday as well as six additional deaths.

Pamela Tondreau, the owner and director of the day care at 2335 Middle Road, said Monday that it would remain closed until Tuesday, Jan. 19, while she works with CDC officials. Tondreau said the biggest change the pandemic has had on children at the day care and how her staff is able to interact with them.

“We’ve had to change so much to keep our day care families safe and will continue to do what’s necessary to make that happen,” she said during an interview.


When asked what precautions her business has taken during the pandemic, Tondreau said the day care operations are “consistent with the CDC guidelines” under guidance and consultation with a child care licensing specialist.

Asked how many children are cared for at the facility and how many staff members she oversees, Tondreau said the “numbers fluctuate but we always follow the Maine state licensing staff to child ratios.”

CDC spokesperson Robert Long said Monday he could not comment on whether or not those who were infected were children or staff members.

“Patient privacy laws prevent Maine CDC from sharing potentially identifying information about individual cases,” he said. “If there was an elevated risk of exposure, Maine CDC would alert the public as we have in the past.”

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