Josh Bragg of Brewer, a member of the Fast and Furious team, swings at the ball Saturday during a softball tournament at the American Legion Post 202 in Topsham to raise money for homeless veterans. Darcie Moore / The Times Record

TOPSHAM — Once you compete in the Winter Classic softball tournament at the Topsham American Legion Post 202, you keep coming back, said Nicolas Hamlin as teams competed Saturday on a snow-covered baseball diamond.

Hamlin, the post adjunct, created the tournament seven years ago as a benefit for homeless veterans. There is no rain date from this tournament because there is no rain date for homelessness, Hamlin said.

Before noon, the all-day tournament had already raised more money than any previous year. A total of $7,525 was raised for Maine Veterans in Need, a nonprofit organization assisting veterans and their family members, advocating for those in a crisis or emergency, preventing homelessness and helping those who are homeless transition into stable housing.

“Homelessness is more than paying rent,” Hamlin said.

Hamlin said Saturday he was “tickled pink” by the strong turnout at the legion, located at 79 Foreside Road. With more teams signing up every year, the legion is looking at incorporating additional baseball fields into the tournament.

Excited about seeing the tournament continue to grow and flourish, Hamlin said he can’t wait until the 10th and 15th annual Winter Classics.

However, he added, “I cant’ wait until we don’t have to do it anymore.”


Pitcher Jacob Earl of the Fast and Furious prepares to throw the ball to first. Darcie Moore / The Times Record


Peter Bacchiocchi, a member of the Grateful team of players from the Lovell VFW, dives into third base Saturday during the Winter Classic softball tournament at the Topsham American Legion Post 202 on Saturday. Darcie Moore / The Times Record

Tim Jackson of the Benchwarmers team swings at the ball during the Topsham American Legion Post 202’s seventh annual Winter Classic softball tournament Saturday, which raised money for homeless veterans. Darcie Moore / The Times Record