It could be a busy day Saturday as Smithfield residents are scheduled vote for municipal officers and on budget warrants in a staggered approach to the annual Town Meeting.

The 2021 Proposed Municipal Appropriations is $878,318. School & County proposed appropriations are $1,395,316.

Voting for municipal officers will occur via secret ballot from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the municipal complex. Residents will vote on warrant articles in a normal Town Meeting format beginning at 7 p.m. at the fire department in the back of the municipal complex.

“If the amount of people that usually come to a Town Meeting come to a Town Meeting, if we have more people, then we might have to postpone it,” Smithfield First Selectperson Richard Moore said.

Smithfield has approximately 1,000 residents.

All municipal officer spots are running unopposed. Moore, Molly Chapman and Justin Furbush are running to stay on the town’s Board of Selectmen. Incumbent clerk Meredyth Tuttle is back on the ballot. Joni Gould is running for town treasurer and tax collector, David Kincaid for road commissioner and Furbush for sexton.

Moore said all articles are expected to pass, with only one article potentially being “of interest.” Article 20 is to allow the town to acquire a fire apparatus tanker truck and “be authorized to borrow, on behalf of the Town, a sum not to exceed Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) on such terms as the Selectmen shall determine are necessary and proper pursuant to 30-A MRSA § 5772 and other applicable Maine law.”