SKOWHEGAN — Closed cases for May 1-31, 2020, in Skowhegan District Court and Somerset County Superior Court:
Mark Albee, 62, of Waterville, domestic violence assault Jan. 12, 2020, in The Forks, 49-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release May 26, 2020, in West Forks, 24-hour jail sentence.
Clover Baxter, 33, of Solon, aggravated assault Nov. 10, 2019, in Solon, five-year Department of Corrections sentence. Two counts violating condition of release, March 5 and 6, 2020, in Solon, dismissed.
Giovanni Beckford, 22, of Skowhegan, disorderly conduct, fighting May 22, 2020, in Skowhegan, dismissed.
Jennifer Bouchard, 34, of Skowhegan, on May 21, 2020, in Skowhegan: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, seven-day jail sentence; unlawful possession of fentanyl powder and possession of hypodermic apparatuses, dismissed.
Dana A. Bradford, 41, of Clinton, on Jan. 3, 2020, in Fairfield: domestic violence assault, 364-day jail sentence all but five months suspended, two-year probation; aggravated assault, dismissed.
Shane F. Brooks, 30, of Bowdoin, violating condition of release May 15, 2020, in Long Pond Township, two day jail sentence.
Bonnie Brown-Gorges, 38, of Skowhegan, assault April 3, 2020, in Skowhegan, dismissed.
David Cadavid-Correa, 27, of Athens, motor vehicle speeding more than 30 mph over speed limit Sept. 16, 2019, in Athens, dismissed.
James R. Carey, 56, of Fairfield, violating condition of release Dec. 10, 2019, in Fairfield, $500 fine.
Chauncey Chapman, 37, of Fairfield, on April 8, 2020, in Fairfield: domestic violence assault, 364-day jail sentence all but 28 days suspended, two-year probation; domestic violence assault and refusing to submit to arrest or detention, dismissed.
Joshua Cookson, 32, of Newport, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Oct. 21, 2019, in Jackman, dismissed.
Peter Craig, 52, of Orrington, operating while license suspended or revoked and possessing suspended license Nov. 20, 2019, in West Forks, dismissed.
John C. Cummines Jr., 30, of Bangor, operating while license suspended or revoked Oct. 4, 2019, in Palmyra, dismissed.
Kyle B. Doughty, 26, of Knox, attaching false plates Dec. 17, 2019, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Barbara Frost, 60, of Waterville, operating after habitual offender revocation and operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 23, 2020, in Canaan, dismissed.
Brian Gallerani, 35, of Portland, on March 7, 2020, in Pittsfield: assault, $300 fine, 30-day jail sentence; criminal mischief, 30-day jail sentence; indecent conduct, 30-day jail sentence.
Raymond A. Getchell, 64, of Winthrop, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 26, 2020, in Skowhegan, 48-hour jail sentence.
Joseph Gordon, 29, of Norridgewock, on April 4, 2020, in Norridgewock: domestic violence assault, five-year Department of Corrections sentence all but 18 months suspended, two-year probation; obstructing report of crime, six-month jail sentence; violating condition of release, six-month jail sentence; aggravated assault and domestic violence terrorizing, dismissed.
James Grant, 30, of Sidney, motor vehicle speeding more than 30 mph over speed limit Jan. 4, 2020, in Skowhegan, dismissed.
Ronald Richard Groder, 49, of Waterville, violating condition of release, failure to register vehicle and attaching false plates Nov. 10, 2019, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Justin L. Hamlin, 34, of Oakland, operating while license suspended or revoked Oct. 20, 2019, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Gunnar M. Hann, 21, of Fairfield, minor possessing liquor Dec. 31, 2019, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Mujahdeen Hasan, 30, of Bronx, New York, trafficking tobacco in adult correctional facility Aug. 26, 2019, in Madison, dismissed.
Kirby Johnson Jr., 50, of East Waterboro, theft by deception Aug. 23, 2019, in Madison, dismissed.
Rishi Kapoor, 20, of Skowhegan, two counts operating while license suspended or revoked Nov. 5, 2019, in Skowhegan, dismissed.
Cory Laberge, 40, of Anson, unlawful possession of scheduled drug June 8, 2018, in Madison, $400 fine. On May 25, 2020, in Anson: disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise, 48-hour jail sentence; violating condition of release, 48-hour jail sentence.
Robert Lacombe Jr., 37, of Waldoboro, on Sept. 29, 2019, in Solon: aggravated operating after revocation, $2,000 fine, three-year Department of Corrections sentence all but two years suspended, two-year probation; operating under the influence, $700 fine, $700 suspended, six-month jail sentence; endangering the welfare of a child, six-month jail sentence; driving to endanger, dismissed.
Manuel Lamarche-Perez, 49, of Union City, New Jersey, commercial vehicle rule violation: operation with false duty status Aug. 27, 2019, in Pittsfield, dismissed.
Brandin Lancaster, 23, of Fairfield, operating while license suspended or revoked Dec. 3, 2019, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Bridget H. Lancaster, 46, of Norridgewock, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 28, 2019, in Norridgewock, dismissed.
Jaye F. Lowe, 60, of Norridgewock, operating under the influence July 3, 2019, in Norridgewock, $1,000 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.
Wayne R. McKinley Jr., 52, of Skowhegan, domestic violence assault Feb. 17, 2020, in Skowhegan, 60-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release Feb. 23, 2020, in Skowhegan, 60-day jail sentence.
Trista Melia, 26, of Bangor, operating vehicle without license Nov. 21, 2019, in Hartland, dismissed.
Marija Moore, 38, of Hartland, operating while license suspended or revoked Nov. 21, 2019, in Hartland, dismissed.
Clayton H. Morse III, 20, of Hartland/St. Albans, operating vehicle without license Sept. 28, 2019, in Hartland, dismissed. Marijuana: under 21 years of age Dec. 23, 2019, in Detroit, dismissed.
Leslye A. Oberheim, 42, of Canaan, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 1, 2020, in Madison, dismissed.
Eric Pelletier, 31, of Penobscot, operating vehicle without license Oct. 20, 2019, in Norridgewock, dismissed.
Christopher James Peters, 27, of Madison, domestic violence terrorizing and refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force Sept. 11, 2018, in Norridgewock, dismissed.
Sonya A. Poulin, 53, of Fairfield, operating vehicle without license Jan. 12, 2020, in Skowhegan, $150 fine.
Derek Preble, 29, of Hartland, operating while license suspended or revoked April 16, 2019, in Palmyra, dismissed.
Kayla Roderick, 19, of Clinton, use of drug paraphernalia and marijuana: under 21 years of age, both Nov. 10, 2019, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Phillip E. Sauer, 32, of Canaan, violating condition of release May 26, 2019, in Canaan, dismissed.
Scott R. Steward, 61, of Cornville, on Feb. 16, 2020, in Cornville: domestic violence assault, four-month jail sentence all but four months and 15 days suspended, two-year probation; domestic violence aggravated assault, dismissed.
Dennis Strickland Jr., 33, of Canaan, on Dec. 3, 2017, in Norridgewock: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, unconditional discharge; domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Katherine Strysko, 36, of Skowhegan, disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise May 2, 2020, in Anson, 30-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release May 12, 2020, in Anson, 30-day jail sentence.
Jose R. Garcia Talavera, 61, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, commercial vehicle rule violation: possessing or using alcohol on duty Oct. 16, 2019, in New Portland, dismissed.
Brandon W. Towers, 26, of Skowhegan, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 14, 2020, in Skowhegan, dismissed.
William Trapp, 24, of Brunswick, operating while license suspended or revoked Dec. 31, 2019, in Embden, dismissed.
Stephanie S. Wade, 28, of Madison, operating under the influence Jan. 9, 2020, in Fairfield, $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.
Scott A. Walters, 48, of Oakland, operating after habitual offender revocation Oct. 10, 2019, in Pittsfield, $1,000 fine, two-year Department of Corrections sentence.
Chelsea L. White, 32, of Madison, violating protection from abuse order April 30, 2020, in Madison, 24-hour jail sentence. Violating protection from abuse order May 1, 2020, in Madison, five-day jail sentence.
Dillon A. Witham, 28, of Skowhegan, operating after habitual offender revocation Aug. 27, 2019, in Skowhegan, $500 fine, 45-day jail sentence.
Skylar Woods, 21, of Fairfield, violating condition of release April 18, 2020, in Fairfield, dismissed.
Brett B. Worster, 30, of Skowhegan, violating suspended or revoked license June 12, 2019, in Skowhegan, 24-hour jail sentence.
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