Not one Republican senator voted for the new COVID bill to give economic and food aid to suffering, unemployed citizens — not even Susan Collins.
Maybe it is not a perfect bill, but it has many good things in it for the Maine unemployed voters, and citizens of other states. I guess Susan would rather see Maine families starve and go without rather than vote for an imperfect bill that would help Maine and the country.
What a hard-hearted attitude, while she has plenty to live on. She was the loyal Republican soldier.
But luckily the Democrats and President Biden had heart enough, and power enough, to give Maine people and many others unemployment money and food stamps to live on, until the economy recovers.
Susan and the others, good Christian Republicans, have totally forgotten about mercy toward the poor and elderly and just keep playing power politics.
Delmar Cain
Orlando, Florida
(formerly of Gardiner)
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