I read the front page article in your March 5 edition of your newspapers regarding the Winthrop Historical Society purchase of the former Key Bank Building on Main Street with amusement (“Winthrop Historical Society purchases former Key Bank building for future headquarters“). You state that a review of town tax documents revealed the structure was built in 1950. You missed the target by over 20 years.

Over 60 years ago I was engaged in land surveying in the area and a review of my files indicate that the Augusta Trust Company constructed the original bank structure in the late 1920s and the building is in evidence in several photos of Main Street in the 1930s in Town Historian Dave Cook’s book of memories of the town.

The addition to the front entrance and along the side and behind, along Morton Street, were constructed in 1950 as well as the drive up window on the east side by the parking lot.

As a longtime member of the historical society I am excited to see our long-term goal finally reaching fruition. As the article stated the society has quite a collection of artifacts on hand that should be made available to the public and with this new facility many more will come forth, I am sure.

Thank you for this prominent article as it will certainly assist us in our endeavors.


Albert L. Godfrey Sr.


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