UNITY — Residents of Unity will be able to vote for town officials Friday and on a proposed $1,277,913 budget Saturday as part of the 2021 annual Town Meeting.

The polls are scheduled to be open from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at the Unity Town Office.

The annual Town Meeting is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Mount View High School Complex  at 577 Mount View Road in Thorndike.

The meeting and its 61-article warrant are not expected to generate great debate, according to Penny Picard Sampson, chair of the Unity Board of Selectmen.

“When we can get to the point where we can either use the race track or open up the firehouse or have additional outside seating, we want to go over the ordinance updates and a $50,000 request for TIF money for the Unity Public Library,” Picard Sampson said.

“Anything that’s going to create a lot of discussion, have a lot of questions, we’re going to do at a later date so people don’t feel restricted. Hopefully, by June, a lot of people will be vaccinated and we’re at a safer spot.”


No date has yet to be set for the public library or other ordinance votes.

The proposed budget is up from the $1,188,835 approved last year. Picard Sampson said much of the increase is related to a TIF, and the town expects to raise almost $16,500 less in taxes, from $783,071 in 2020 to $766,588 in 2021.

Because the state has limited indoor gatherings to 50 people due to the coronavirus pandemic, more than one room at the school may be used for Saturday’s Town Meeting.

Daniel McCormick’s seat on the town’s three-member Board of Selectmen is up. He is the only candidate seeking the seat.

Charlie Schaefer is also running unopposed for a seat on the Unity Utilities District.

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