I’m a longtime devotee of CBS’s Sunday Morning. Years ago, I recall Charles Kuralt reading from “the mailbag” when a young girl submitted a letter claiming that “Sunday Morning’s the best boring show on TV!” Jane Pauley hosts nowadays, replacing the venerable Charles Osgood.
Following commercial breaks are little graphic tidbits of pertinent information the producers feel the audience should know. Recently it was noted that the United States, to date, has spent $153 billion in Afghanistan, “much of it wasted, stolen or otherwise unaccounted for.” This, while Washington’s well-fed grumble that Biden’s Rescue Plan includes “pork.”
I love “pulled pork.” But I say we pull our pork — and our people — out of Afghanistan once and for all. It’s been a pig in a poke for 20 years with bloody little to show for it except blood — and treasure.
After the next commercial break, it was reported that Finland is ranked No. 1 as the “Happiest Country.” The U.S. is ranked No. 14. I’m not sure who determines this — perhaps that little girl who wrote to Charles Kuralt years ago. For as wealthy and generous a country as we are, I find it curious that we are so (apparently) unhappy.
I’m certainly happy that it’s spring. And that we’re all, in due time, getting vaccinated and cautiously back to normal thanks in part thanks to the Rescue Plan and our continued diligence.
Perhaps that will bump us up on the happiness list. Ya think?
Buddy Doyle
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