Jim Nutting holds a recent abstract art glass work. Submitted photo

LA Arts and community partners bring a lively Art in the Windows program to downtown Lewiston this spring, with new work now on view at a number of locations along Lisbon Street.

“Walk Away,” Kate Cargile (oil on panel) Submitted photo

Echoes and Loops, New Paintings by Kate Cargile will be on view in the LA Arts Gallery windows at 221 Lisbon Street in Lewiston from Saturday, May 15, through Thursday, July 1. Cargile is a
middle school art teacher whose artwork is shaped by her strong interests in literature, history, and visual culture studies. She works in a variety of media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, appliqué quilting, and paper mache sculpture. Her subject matter ranges from “the beauty of the people, objects and places that make up my everyday life to fanciful ideas from myths, legends, tales and my own wild imagination,” she says. She adds, “The artistic process is like trying to tune an old radio. There are many different stations and frequent static. When you get a clear station it’s always best to listen intently to what is playing.”

“20 Bits of Passion You Can Eat with a Spoon,” artist book, Purple Bean Bindery Submitted photo

Artist Books by Auburn artist Anna Low of by Purplebean Bindery are on view in the windows of the Lewiston Public Library. These beautiful and unique creations can be seen from the street anytime or up close and personal during one of the library browsing blocks throughout the week. Each book is different and tells its own story in a distinctive format. Low’s formal education is in photography and art education. She received a BA from Hampshire College, an MA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and spent a year in Speós – The Paris Photographic Institute. Her photographs and artist books have been exhibited throughout New England and published in several periodicals, including Maine Magazine.

Art glassworks by Maine native, Bates College and Edward Little High School graduate Jim Nutting are on display in the windows of Rinck Advertising. Jim has more than 30 years of experience working in stained glass and has completed numerous small to large commissions for individuals and businesses. He has restored dozens of church windows and sold work at many craft shows and galleries, but now concentrates on filling Maine Art Glass in Lisbon Falls with his original art.

Since 1973, LA Arts, the arts agency for the cities of Lewiston and Auburn Maine, has pursued a mission to engage and inspire a vibrant community through arts and culture. The agency works with governments, businesses, schools and local arts and cultural organizations to create opportunities for community members across the generations to experience, learn, and participate in the arts. LA Arts organizes arts programs and initiatives, supports the work of local artists and art organizations, and highlights the essential role the arts play in shaping an economically vital, socially integrated, and forward-looking future for its community. Learn more at www.laarts.org.