Radishes are generally considered a spring vegetable. They can be planted as soon as the soil is dry enough to work, and three to five weeks later, you get a sharp-tasting, pretty vegetable to add to your salads or otherwise eat.

But radishes also can be grown in the fall. Plant them now and you’ll be eating them well before we have our first frost.

They are easy to grow. Loosen the soil and smooth it out. Spread the radish seeds about an inch apart and rub you hand over them so they are just barely covered with soil. They won’t need fertilizer at this time of year, but be sure to water them regularly.

My favorite is French breakfast radish, which is elongated compared to an ordinary supermarket radish, white at its tip and red as you get nearer the top, where the leaves grow. In France, they eat them raw with butter and salt, surprising, but really quite good.

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