Make no mistake. Maine’s residents do not need Central Maine Power’s proposed transmission line that would carry power from Canada to Massachusetts. It is in Maine’s best interests to stop CMP right now. If we don’t, they will cut a long and wide swath through some of Maine’s last wild area. By giving CMP permission, there would be no turning back. You can’t change your mind later since this untrammeled area would first be clear-cut, then unsightly enormous towers erected. All this for the purpose of making money.

The land is our heritage, and it should belong to all Maine residents. If we Mainers don’t protect our lands, then nobody will. We are caretakers and custodians of our environment and that’s a big and wonderful gift that bears some responsibility.

Instead of these monolithic projects, we must demand that CMP encourage small-scale solar use. Let homeowners benefit from this free energy source. Sadly, but predictably, CMP hates the idea of people using sunshine to make their own electricity. After all, where’s the money to be made since they haven’t yet figured out how to own the sun.

I used to think that CMP was a small, local Maine utility serving the needs of Maine residents. How wrong I was. The transmission line would only enrich out-of-state and foreign interests. CMP is owned by a corporation somewhere in Spain. You can bet that the executives in Europe never heard of The Forks, the Dead River, Number Five Mountain, Hobbstown Depot, and the Kennebec Gorge.

If you haven’t heard of these places either, then visit the area that would be violated and you’ll feel its beauty and fully understand why it should remain as it is.

Stop the transmission line now.

Stu Silverstein


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