Opponents of the NECEC say that this is not good for Maine. They are critical of the profits that will be made, and of the aesthetic impact. This project will provide 1,200 MW of renewable energy to the New England power grid and 1,600 new jobs for Mainers. The typical solar farm is only 4 to 5 MW.

Climate change is a global issue which will be difficult to overcome if political boundaries decide our destiny. We may not see a renewable energy project of this size again in our lifetimes, yet people are rejecting it because it doesn’t look good or it doesn’t benefit Maine.

It is ironic that people are complaining about the profits of the corridor when you consider that billions of dollars have been made on fossil fuels for decades. The only real environmental impact that this will have in Maine is aesthetic. Let’s face it, it’s not going to look real good but neither do solar farms and wind turbines. All are important for dampening the impact of climate change.

Question 1 lets politicians decide on the corridor and sets a terrible precedent on what could happen in the future. It would bring 1,200 MW of renewable power and 1,600 jobs. I cannot reject this with a clear conscience.

I care about Maine’s economy and the health of planet earth. So if you care about doing something constructive to help dampen climate change, buy a hybrid vehicle if you can afford it, and vote no on the corridor referendum.


Paul Mitnik


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