FARMINGTON — Franklin Community Health Network and Franklin County community partners and stakeholders plan to host a forum for the Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment, in order to discuss the Franklin County health profile.

The forum is to be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, virtually via Zoom.

The Franklin County health profile contains more than 200 data points that describe health outcomes, health behaviors, health care access and quality, and the social, community, and physical environments that affect health.

Organizers want to hear from the public regarding their thoughts on the health of Franklin County, and together with their neighbors identify the top health concerns, the populations most at risk, as well as the resources needed and gaps to address the concerns. This feedback will be used as guidance to create hospital-specific health improvement plans next spring.

“We want to open the door for discussions about how we can work together so our communities are the healthiest in America,” said Barbara Sergio, Franklin County Health Network chief operating officer. “We want community members to share their perspectives on what they see as our biggest health issues.”

To register for the forum, sign up online at

For additional information regarding the Franklin County forum, contact Ellen Thorne at 207-779-2357 or

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