WATERVILLE — The City Council on Tuesday will consider taking final votes to approve spending $400,000 in federal COVID-19 relief funds for housing and $250,000 for the police department’s Operation HOPE program.

Councilors in November took a first vote to approve spending $400,000 of the city’s American Rescue Plan Act money for housing-related initiatives including case management and master leasing. Funding is proposed for housing because the impact of COVID-19 has led to an alarming increase in homelessness in the city, including a dramatic spike in rental assistance provided by the city’s general assistance program, according to a memo accompanying the council agenda.

The funds would allow the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter to avoid putting a lot of people into the shelter during the pandemic and give families their own space in apartments. Also, the shelter would partner with landlords to ensure the landlords are paid rent if the tenants fall behind.

The council is also planned consider taking a final vote to spend $250,000 on Operation HOPE, a police program that seeks to find treatment facilities for people addicted to opioids. That sum would be set aside in a separate account from which $50,000 would be withdrawn each year for five years to fund the program. The program now survives on fundraisers and donations.

Councilors on Tuesday are set to consider taking a final vote to authorize City Manager Steve Daly to sign a lease at the city-owned Robert LaFleur Airport with MEVS Energy Waterville LLC, which would use the property as a solar farm.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at The Elm at 21 College Ave. and the public may take part or watch virtually via links on the city’s website.

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