I wish to object to Rep. Randy Greenwood’s publicly casting doubt on the safety of the COVID vaccine without supporting facts. In November 2021 he spent 12 days in the hospital “that included a near-death experience with seven days on a ventilator, where I was virtually unconscious.” Randy is a good man, and judging from the number of people who turned out for the prayer vigil, many others think the same. He chose not to get vaccinated, and I’m sorry he suffered.

His words: “Throughout my life, I have received the regular schedule of tested and approved vaccinations. All of them are grounded in proven science and saved lives in most cases. I admit, I was skeptical of this one when the normal protections (legal liability for adverse reactions, rigorous testing and formal approvals) were discarded in the rush to vaccinate everyone, with no exceptions). Then I asked: if COVID shots are such a good thing, why do people need to be offered free beer, lottery tickets or money, or be threatened with job loss?”

Normal protections were not discarded. Drug trial results were so overwhelmingly positive and COVID so deadly that the FDA gave emergency authorization December 2020. A cautious individual who believes in science could say, “I’ll wait for full FDA authorization.” However Pfizer received full authorization in August 2021. Spreading doubt now without presenting disputing scientific data does not serve the public good.

Overall, the unvaccinated are 10 times more likely to be hospitalized; 16 times more likely to need the ICU. The older you are the more adverse the consequences. Unvaccinated people over age 60 have a 60 times higher rate for hospitalization.

Greenwood can support personal choice, but when he has the public stage and talks about COVID vaccines, he has to show the science.


Marilyn Dunn


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