WATERVILLE — The City Council on Tuesday is scheduled to consider rezoning requests for parcels off College Avenue and North Street.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. at The Elm at 21 College Ave. and those wanting to attend virtually may do so via a link on the city’s website, www.waterville-me.gov.

The council will consider rezoning 20 and 24 North St. from Residential-D to Contract Zoned District Commercial-C to allow Ware-Butler to use the parcels for parking. The Planning Board on Jan. 25 voted to recommend the council rezone the properties. As part of conditions of rezoning, a compact evergreen hedge must be planted where the properties abuts residences and must be maintained to attain a height of at least 6 feet within five years.

The council also will consider rezoning to Residential-B several properties west of those directly abutting the west side of College Avenue between the south side of Maple and Broadway streets.

Some of those properties are in the Commercial-C and Residential-B zones. They include 6 and 5-7 High St., 7 and 10 Spruce St., 6 and 7 Donald St., 4 and 5 Myrtle St. and 6-8 Myrtle St. Also included are 1 Columbia Road, 3 and 4 Hazelwood Ave., 2 and 5 Walnut St., 4 Crescent St., 3 Harold St., 3 and 6 Greenwood St. and 4 Broadway. Properties entirely in the Commercial-C zone, currently in residential use and abutting residential properties partially in the Residential B zone, are 3 High St., 2-4 Donald St., 3 Abbott St. and 4 Myrtle St.

Also, the council will consider rezoning 5 Ash St. to Commercial-C. The property, a large parking lot used in the past by customers of the former John Martin’s Manor, is almost entirely in the Residential-C zone.

City Manager Steve Daly said Monday that the properties are slivers of land that were caught in between the Residential-B zone district, which is farther to the west, and the new Commercial C-1 zone district that follows property lines on the west side of College Avenue.

The Planning Board voted unanimously Feb. 8 to recommend the rezoning.