A 1969 amendment to the Maine Constitution delegated broad “home rule” ordinance powers to cities and towns, where “home rule” is defined by Merriam-Webster “as self-government or limited autonomy in internal affairs by a dependent political unit.” Cities and towns have the right to pass laws that are municipal in nature and are not counter to a state law or a law which the state has not prohibited it from passing.

In June 2021, the Commission to Increase Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions was established. The commission report contained nine recommendations for legislative consideration, most focusing on zoning and land use restrictions at a statewide level. These restrictions now directly impact the availability and affordability of housing stock; “affordable housing” describes dwellings that an individual/household can reasonably afford, which is generally held to be less than 30% of the household income.

Affordable housing must be a priority, but how we as a state approach that issue must be thoughtfully and fairly addressed without resorting to excessively harsh measures. L.D. 1673, An Act to Create a Comprehensive Permit Process for the Construction of Affordable Housing, is currently going through committee as one of several possible measures to address the commission’s recommendations. The majority of the legislators behind the proposal are from designated “urban” Maine areas, which in the 2010 census represented only 39% of the state population, a number that admittedly will likely be higher based on the recent census. This is not to suggest that affordable housing is only an urban issue, only that sustainable solutions likely would look much different in rural towns, given the disparity in demographics and fiscal resources between Maine’s municipalities.

The Committee on Labor and Housing convened a public hearing on Feb. 14 concerning L.D. 1673 and a preponderance of oral and written testimony supports the legislation. Operationally, however, it was discouraging that supporting oral testimony was front-loaded to the beginning of the hearing, relegating opposing statements to the later part of the hearing, at which point many had chosen to log off from the meeting after waiting several hours to speak. Balanced testimony from opposing sides would have been a more principled and parliamentary correct approach. The bulk of opposing testimony unfortunately is in written form.

The backbone of L.D. 1673 shifts decision-making authority from board or appointed (or peer elected) residents to a Maine State Housing Authority “Affordable Housing Appeals Committee” authorized to hold hearings and to consider and decide upon appeal from a board of appeal denial of a comprehensive permit or grant of a comprehensive permit with conditions rendering the housing project uneconomical.

Opposing written testimony by Kate Dufour of the Maine Municipal Association, points out that, as drafted, the MSHA review process authorizes adoption of rules for the conduct of their business and provide those rules to the municipality, seemingly without community input. Is it even reasonable that a five-member review committee (renewable, one-year appointment) would have the time, resources, and information necessary to evaluate decisions for adherence to the planning goals and infrastructure needs of the hundreds of Maine communities?

Her testimony concludes by saying, “A successful plan, reflecting some of the recommendations of the Housing Commission, is one that is focused on the development of measurable goals, assessment of which level of government is better suited to implement mutually beneficial strategies, and investment in financial and technical resources necessary to deliver statewide goals.”

I implore the members of the Committee on Labor and Housing to vote “ought-not- to-pass” until such time as the intent and process of the legislation is more thoughtfully structured rather than attempting to pass a statute based on current House and Senate majorities.

Eric Jarvi is a two-term at-large Hampden Town Council member and is serving a third consecutive year as deputy mayor.  He has lived in Hampden for 13 years and has retired after a six-year career in the Air Force and a 32-year career as a faculty member and administrator in pharmacy education. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hampden Town Council or staff.

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