JEFFERSON — Residents at Tuesday’s annual Town Meeting, which is being held by secret ballot, will decide whether to approve budget items that total just under $1 million, including a major increase in projected costs for ambulance services.

The proposed town budget of $969,000, according to the town report, is $46,000 higher than the $923,000 budget that was approved by voters last year.

Polls are scheduled to be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Jefferson Fire Station.

A significant increase in proposed spending is for ambulance costs. Last year, voters initially appropriated only $10,500 to help offset the cost of ambulance service in town, but in January the town had to call a special meeting and appropriate an additional $55,000 to pay for Waldoboro Emergency Services, which serves the northern areas of Jefferson.

Now, residents are asked on Jefferson’s annual Town Meeting warrant to approve $116,000 for ambulance services.

Lincoln County Ambulance provides ambulance services to the southern sections of Jefferson, according to Walter Morris, Jefferson’s fire chief.


Selectmen could not be reached for comment to explain the proposals going to voters.

Other increases in the proposed budget include a $30,000 increase in snow plowing contracts.

Three separate articles seek funding for work on Linscott Road: one seeks to use $47,000 in block grant funding from the state, another wants to appropriate $9,500 for work on the road, and a third seeks $3,000 for work on the same road.

Residents will also be asked to approve a medical marijuana ordinance which, according to the warrant article, would repeal all previous marijuana ordinances. In 2017, the town adopted a retail marijuana ordinance, which banned retail stores from selling recreational marijuana, but the ordinance did not apply to medical marijuana.

Residents will also elect a slate of municipal officials, though all local offices are uncontested.

Claudia Orff-Reed is the only candidate seeking a spot being vacated by Greg Johnston on the select board; Wayne Johnston is the only candidate for road commissioner; Glenn Gervais, Joan Jackson, James Lindsey and Catherine Walker are seeking four available spots on the budget committee; and John Bernier and Walter Greene-Morse are seeking two spots on the school committee.

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