I’ve heard many people over my lifetime say that we live in the greatest country in the world. Really? We are not the greatest in preventing infant mortality; we are not the greatest in preventing women dying in childbirth; we are not the greatest in helping all citizens have adequate and affordable health insurance; we are not the greatest in providing equally effective public education to all; we are not the greatest in preventing environmental damage from pollution.

The area in which we are the greatest is that we manufacture and sell the largest number of guns, per capita, than any other country in the world.

Wake up! Is this what we want America to be the greatest for? The most gun deaths and mass shootings than any other country in the world?

We must have gun safety legislation that requires strictly enforced background checks, bans semi-automatic weapons (which are only needed by law enforcement and the military), and bans open carry. Call Maine congressional delegation and demand that they say no to the NRA, and do what is moral for the safety of all people in this country.


Margaret Lane


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