Voters in Farmingdale, Fayette, Gardiner, Hallowell, Litchfield, Monmouth, Mount Vernon, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, Vienna, Wayne, West Gardiner, and Winthrop can support a true public servant by voting for Charlotte Warren on June 14. Charlotte has served as planning board member, city councilor, mayor, and state representative. Her public service stretches more than two decades. And, she works hard.
More than just working hard for us, she cares about us. When the pandemic hit, and we were quarantined, Charlotte organized a group of volunteers and started calling senior citizens to see what they needed. Her team delivered groceries and prescriptions to folks who were not going out. How do I know this so well? Because I’m her mother and her constituent!
Charlotte is in public service for the right reasons. She works hard and she cares. Please vote for my daughter, Charlotte Warren, on June 14.
Alice Stevens
West Gardiner
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