AUBURN — A Jay man accused of attempting to rob a couple after spraying mace in their faces in Livermore Falls in April was charged Monday with robbery and assault.

Joshua Hiscock Androscoggin County Jail photo
An Androscoggin County grand jury indicted Joshua L. Hiscock 39, on one count of felony-level robbery, a crime punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
The grand jury also charged Hiscock with two counts of misdemeanor-level assault, each charge punishable by up to 364 days in jail.
Police said Hiscock tried to steal money April 24 from a man and woman who lived at a home on Haines Corner Road.
It’s unknown whether Hiscock was successful in taking any money from them.
The woman was sprayed with mace as soon as she opened the door; the man was also sprayed, but was able to identify Hiscock, whose face had been partially hidden.
He also walked with a limp, according to witnesses.
Hiscock reportedly left a bat at the home when he fled, before police arrived at the home.
He was issued a summons Monday.
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