Downtown Waterville is not handicap/disable friendly. Now that they are changing Lower Main Street to two way traffic and changing to parallel parking, it’s going to be harder for those who use a wheelchair or mobility scooter to get in and out of their vehicles.

Especially right now, where there is some parking, there is no handicapped parking spots available. The only handicap spots right now is one on Common Street, one in front of city hall and two behind city hall (that is if the construction crew doesn’t park in those two). Also there are a few in the Concourse but if people have a hard time walking those are way too far to park.

Also with the outside dining being set up in a few places, the angle slopes to get onto a sidewalk are being blocked, which means someone in a wheelchair or mobility scooter has to go into the road to be able to get on the sidewalk, which is very dangerous any time of the day or night.

I do hope that they will fix this problem for the handicap and disabled people so they won’t feel like an outcast in the city of Waterville.

Craig Pellerin 
