A vote no sign on the front lawn Monday morning at Libby Tozier School on Academy Road in Litchfield. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

WALES — Voters in the Regional School Unit 4 overwhelmingly rejected the school board’s proposal Tuesday, with 91% opposed to constructing a $31.6 million addition to Oak Hill Middle School.

All three RSU 4 towns voted against the proposal, with a combined 2,209 no votes to 219 yes.

Under the school board’s plan, Libby Tozier Primary School in Litchfield and Sabattus Primary School were to be closed once the addition to Oak Hill Middle School was completed.

Both are aging schools in need of millions of dollars in repairs and upgrades to meet state standards for school buildings.

Prior to the referendum, the school board had put the annual cost to maintain, operate and repair both Libby Tozier and Sabattus Primary at $1.37 million, with a total cost for repairs and upgrades at $10.4 million.

Litchfield’s outcome was the most lopsided of the three, with 3.7% in favor and 96.3% against.


Here’s how the vote broke down across the district:

• Litchfield: 45 yes to 1,174 no.

• Sabattus: 110 yes to 742 no.

• Wales: 64 yes to 293 no.

The board of directors will now meet and discuss the next steps, according to Vice Chair Robert Gayton.