I’ve deeply enjoyed representing you in the Maine Senate, and I’m running for re-election.
However, because Maine’s legislative districts just changed, I’ll be running for re-election in a slightly different set of towns. Many of you whom I’ve been lucky to represent for years will be in a new Senate district, District 5, starting with November’s election. I’m sorry to lose you.
If you live in towns I haven’t had the honor to represent yet, you should know that I’ve spent years working on building Maine’s economy and creating jobs. I have plenty more that I want to accomplish to make your life better, so I’m certainly asking for your support this fall.
Here’s why I’m writing today, however:
To those of my constituents who will be in the new District 5, I’m writing to let you know that I fully support and highly recommend Sen. Russell Black in the November election.
Sen. Black currently represents much of Franklin County and will do a fantastic job representing you.
Sen. Black gets it: he knows you’re being crushed by out-of-control costs and the poor economy. He’s also the only Republican in this race.
Again: If your town will no longer be in my Senate district, I’m sorry to lose you. However, you have a fantastic new option in Senator Russell Black. Support him in November!
Here are the towns currently in District 3, my district, that are changing to District 5, where Sen. Black is running: Anson, Bingham, Caratunk, Central Somerset UT, Cornville, Dennistown Plantation, Embden, Highland Plantation, Jackman, Mercer, Moose River, Moscow, New Portland, Northeast Somerset UT, Northwest Somerset UT, Pleasant Ridge Plantation, Seboomook Lake UT, Rome, Smithfield, Solon, Starks, The Forks Plantation, and West Forks Plantation.
If you live in one of those communities, vote Black!
Sen. Brad Farrin
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