Kindness is a lesson learned — but it’s not what was taught at this year’s Heritage Days celebration in Readfield. Instead, a pig scramble was added to this year’s events, an activity which pits children against baby pigs who run fearing for their lives as children, urged on by loud spectators and parents, chase, pin, tackle and drag these piglets by their limbs and stuff them into bags — all in the name of “fun” (“Readfield pig scramble draws controversy from animal rights group,” Aug. 12). Good grief!

In a day and age where these type of outdated and brutal events are being phased out across the country and replaced with harm-free alternatives that send a positive message to kids (or at least not a negative one), it leaves me dumbfounded as to why on earth Readfield would take a step backwards and initiate its 1st annual pig scramble.

I am aware that events like this happen at fairs every year and have been for decades, but that doesn’t make it right. We can all agree that the animals are most definitely stressed out, deliberately put in harm’s way, often injured as a result, and then offered to the lucky child as a prize. Most participating children and their families are not interested nor equipped to care for a pig properly. It is an unnecessary event.

I’m urging the town of Readfield to replace this event with something harm-free, like “greased watermelon” obstacle course races. Won’t you join me? Please sign my petition at and email the town manager directly at, politely stating your opposition to this event.

Stressing out baby animals is not cool; it’s cruel!

Arielle Cousens lives in Readfield.