Mr. Biden, you just told my wife and me that we are chumps. Further you told my children that they are idiots. I’m not happy.

I am an immigrant. I worked hard to get a good U.S. education while keeping out of debt. So did my wife. What small student debt we had we paid off in our first year of marriage. Then we worked hard and saved so our children could get an excellent undergraduate education without incurring debt. As Americans and parents we took our responsibilities seriously.

Our children worked studiously to get excellent college educations. Now they are productive, contributing Americans. And they are working hard to meet their financial responsibilities for their children and our country.

Mr. President, you just told me, my wife and our three children, “You’re chumps! You shouldn’t have worked as hard. You should have bought that boat, partied more, and been irresponsible with your money because I, the President of the United States, will require everyone else to bail you out.”

Who will pay? All those, like my wife and I, who have saved money, savings that are now being stolen from us by 10% inflation, those that are working in blue-collar jobs, those that went to less expensive colleges so they would not incur debt, those who never went to college because they could not afford it, those who have responsibly paid off their student debts. All those people and more will pay for this largesse provided to the educated elite, people who have not learned to manage their money or careers or even worse, in this labor starved economy, have chosen not to work!

How could we have been so dumb? We’re chumps. Thank you Mr. Biden for the insult.


Andrew Cook


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