Party affiliation:


Social media accounts
FB, Representative Jack Ducharme

Law firm administrator

BS, Business Administration, Thomas College

Community Organizations:
HealthReach Community Health Centers, Board of Directors; Anson Madison Water District, Board of Trustees, treasurer; Town of Madison, Budget Advisory Committee

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Married over 40 years to Denise C Ducharme, two adult sons and eight grandchildren. Resident of Madison for nearly 40 years, served on school board, select board and other town committees. Choir director/cantor at St. Sebastian Church, Madison. Enjoy Patriots football and Madison Bulldogs football.

Family status:

Years in the Legislature:


Committee assignments (if elected):
Appropriations and Financial Affairs


1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
Success as a legislator for the people of Madison, Norridgewock, and Cornville would be to make sure that state government did not intrude on their lives any more than absolutely necessary or desired.

In general, I believe in personal freedom and personal responsibility. We have far too many regulations coming from Augusta that are preventing many small businesses from being successful and make day-to-day living in Maine more difficult than it needs to be.

We need to regulate when absolutely necessary for the public good, but I would prefer that we allow individuals and businesses the freedom to make their own success. With that freedom comes responsibility for failure. If one fails, it is not the job of the taxpayer to bail them out.

Government should try to remove the obstacles to success, not create them.

2) Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
Everything that the government does should be open and transparent. Government has no money that it hasn’t taken from someone. Taxpayers deserve the opportunity to understand what they are paying for. Since the money comes from the taxpayer, the uses of that money should be transparent to them.