CHESTERVILLE — Selectmen voted unanimously Thursday to buy a used dump truck with a wing plow and a reversible plow for the Highway Department, Selectman Linda Bauer said.

On June 16, voters approved using up to $40,000 from the town’s share of American Rescue Plan Act for a public works vehicle. The remaining amount for the $47,500 International and associated equipment will come from a capital equipment account.

The truck is being purchased from K & Construction of Palmyra, she said.

“We’ve looked at different (trucks).  The 2006 International has 87,000 miles on it,” Bauer said. “The engine, the DT466, can last for up to 550,000 miles if truck’s condition is good.”

Selectmen voted previously to buy a different truck but after Bauer did some research, the board decided against it, she said.

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