“Lubec,” photograph, Lindsay White Submitted photo

The photographs of Lindsay White and the paintings of Anita Poulin are on display at The Woman’s Hospital Association Rotating Art Gallery at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston.

White is a registered nurse who has worked for 16 years on the Special Delivery Unit at Central Maine Medical Center. Her interest in photography began when she took a black and white photography class in high school. From there, as technology has improved, her passion for photography has grown. The subjects of her work vary but she enjoys focusing on the beauty of Maine whether it’s Atlantic Puffin, lupines in bloom in a field or a lighthouse along the coast.

Poulin is a long-time local artist who comes from three generations of artists who have painted scenes of Maine for nearly a century. She is the owner of GreenWood Gallery in Auburn, which she founded in 2013 to help Maine artists show their work. As well as her work featuring nature scenes of Maine, she is well-known for her pet portraits. This exhibit highlights her versatility as an artist as she explores new ways to represent the world around her.

The works on display may be purchased through the WHA Gift Shop located adjacent to the main lobby at Central Maine Medical Center. The works on display may be purchased through the WHA Gift Shop located adjacent to the main lobby at Central Maine Medical Center. A percentage of sale proceeds benefits patients of CMMC.

A painting by Anita Poulin Submitted photo