Please join me in supporting David LaFountain for Senate District 16. David had an impressive career as a firefighter, a dedicated public servant who was the emergency management director and fire chief for the Waterville and Winslow fire departments.

I am voting for David because he knows how to be a careful steward of our resources while ensuring investment in our critical public infrastructure – the roads and services that our community relies on every day, the public schools that educate our children. As a graduate of the Winslow school district, and the son and father of teachers, he knows intimately how much school staff deserve our support.

And David knows that this election is critical for ensuring our reproductive rights. He will support legislation guaranteeing access to contraception and comprehensive reproductive health care. It is time for Waterville to have a state senator that represents our values. David LaFountain will listen and work hard for us in Augusta.

Winifred Tate


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