The current Litchfield representative’s flyer touts his good attendance in Augusta. Former Rep. Kent Ackley also had good attendance. The difference? Ackley also showed up to all three towns’ selectboard meetings and both RSU meetings regularly.

He showed up in thousands of constituent’s dooryards to hear their concerns. Hearing about problems with fuel for small engines, Ackley helped pass legislation making ethanol-free gas available in Litchfield. He met with Litchfield, Monmouth, and Wales fire departments and discovered family death benefits had not been adjusted since the early 2000s. Consequently, Ackley wrote legislation that passed to increase them. When water in North Monmouth tested positive for PFAS contamination, Kent worked to provide safe drinking water.

Showing up means participating locally, listening to voter’s issues, and taking action to address them. On Nov. 8, I’ll be voting for Kent Ackley, the guy who really shows up.

Marilyn Dunn


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