As an Our Power volunteer, I was pleased to read “Consumer-owned utility on ballot” (Dec. 1). This article confirmed that Our Power had submitted enough valid signatures to put a consumer-owned utility on the November ballot. This citizen initiative will create the Pine Tree Power Company, a utility company that would be owned by the people of Maine. (In case you missed it, CMP owners include the governments of Spain, Norway and Qatar. Versant is completely owned by the city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)

When I was canvassing for signatures, many people who listened to my pitch about the benefits of an electric utility company owned by Maine ratepayers enthusiastically signed the petition. Collecting signatures was easy, but listening to people’s horror stories about their experiences with CMP was heartbreaking. I heard multiple stories of exorbitant charges and prolonged outages. Some spoke of going days without power during the winter and having no response from CMP. Many shared their concerns about the ever-increasing electricity bills.

Since Our Power volunteers collected enough valid signatures, the initiative to create a consumer-owned utility will now go to the legislature. They can enact the bill as written, or they can send it to the voters as a referendum in November 2023.

If you are one of those consumers who is dealing with exorbitant electricity bills, I urge you to contact your state representative and state senator. Tell them that you support the creation of Pine Tree Power Company, a consumer-owned utility company, and ask them to vote accordingly.


Linda Woods


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