Recently, (12/30/22), Channel 6 aired its regular 207 program, this time repeating the decade-long coverage of the authorities’ efforts to solve the disappearance of Ayla Reynolds from her Waterville home. Once again, authorities voiced that the matter was at first seen as a “missing-person case.”

Authorities treated the case as a reported event, rather than a potential criminal act. However, when facts and circumstances suggest a strong possibility of foul play or the disappearance occurred due to criminal action, investigators should consider the missing person case as a potential homicide.

Here, authorities repeatedly concluded that the persons present the night of Ayla’s disappearance know more than reported. Too, authorities have gathered information from items in the cellar, including blood. Approximately 14 hours passed from the time Ayla went to bed and the time the missing report was made.

Motivated by the belief the case was a missing person situation, authorities and public individuals earnestly searched from skies to the depths of waters for Ayla without success.

Simultaneously, what have the items gathered in the cellar added, realizing that Maine case law honors the adage: If circumstances lead me, I will find where truth is hid?


John Benoit


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