Dana Wilde’s latest commentary on climate change understandably expresses frustration about denial and inaction on climate (“Backyard Naturalist: Year-end thoughts on climate change,” Dec. 28). We have waited too long to act. But there is hope. The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act provides funds for climate mitigation. Yet there is still much more that needs to be done.
In a previous column (May 12, 2021) Wilde suggests that we need big solutions. Indeed. We need smart, effective, fair realistic policy that acts economy-wide to reduce emissions. One policy that scientists and economists agree is essential in any climate action plan is “Carbon Cash Back” pricing. Such a policy places a fee on carbon pollution where it belongs — on fossil fuel companies — while accelerating the transition to renewable energy, generating well paid jobs and stimulating economic growth. The “cash back” dividend takes the burden off low and middle income people since fees collected are paid to U.S. households.
Carbon pricing bills such as the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act have been introduced in Congress with bipartisan support in recent years and will likely be introduced again. If you support fair realistic effective climate action let your members of Congress know that you support Carbon Cash Back Pricing.
Bonnie Sammons
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