JAY — Discussion on a proposed $5.88 million municipal budget will begin at a workshop at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Spruce Mountain Elementary School gym.

Members of the Select Board, Budget Committee, the town manager and department heads will take part in the talks.

Nomination papers for two selectpersons, three Regional School Unit 73 directors and two water district trustees will also become available that day at the Town Office. Papers are due to be filed by 4 p.m. Feb. 24.

The annual Town Meeting and election will take place from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. April 25 at the Community Building. A budget would go into effect July 1.

It is the first time Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls will vote on the same day on annual town budgets and election of officers. It is also the same day Regional School Unit 73 will hold its budget validation vote.

Jay’s proposal represents an increase over the current budget of $386,440, or about 7%, according to Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere’s information. After factoring in revenues, the spending plan would reflect a $47,240, or 1.51% increase, if everything stays the same and is not adjusted during the budget process.


The town is anticipating receiving $392,200 more, mostly through state revenue-sharing because of the previous loss of value in the town. It does not include any loss of value when the Pixelle paper mill closes in the spring.

Most of the increase in the spending package is attributed to utility cost increases, including electricity and water, as well as payroll and benefits.

One of the overall increases throughout the budget is electricity, which is up about $30,000, LaFreniere said Wednesday.

The town is under a contract with Maine Power Options that will expire in November. She has factored in additional money to hopefully cover any increases when they negotiate another power contract.

Other items reflecting increases are in the Public Works Department budget, which includes more money for sand and salt and waste disposal fees.

The Select Board has the option of taking money for summer recreation and some amounts in the donation budget connected to recreation from the town’s Tower Reserve Fund.

Selectpersons and Budget Committee members will vote on the proposed budget at 5 p.m. Jan. 30 at the elementary school gym. A public hearing on the proposal will be held at 6 p.m. March 13 at the school gym.

Positions up for election are two, three-year terms on the Select Board held by Gary McGrane and F. Timothy DeMillo; two, three-year terms on the RSU 73 board of directors held by Robert Staples and Elaine Fitzgerald;, and a two-year position. Selectpersons appointed Tina Riley to serve as a director in November after J. Lynn Ouellette resigned for personal reasons.

Also to be filled is a three-year term on the North Jay Water District held by Trustee Raymond Fleury II and a three-year term on the Jay Village Water District held by Randall Doiron.

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