For two Sundays in a row, Central Maine Sunday has published letters in opposition to Pine Tree Power (“Pine Tree Power would be a disaster” on Jan. 15 and “Pine Tree Power a waste of money” on Jan. 21). Both are written by CMP employees. While I understand the fears they have about how the ballot question might impact their jobs, the truth is that Pine Tree Power will bring new benefits to workers.
Both authors incorrectly assert that Pine Tree Power will be a government-owned company controlled by politicians. Pine Tree Power will be governed by a chosen board, who is accountable only to us, its consumer-owners. An independent board of directors made up of Mainers chosen by Maine people will make all decisions. Their work could focus on meeting the state’s goals for clean energy independence, lower costs, better reliability, and improved internet. It will be managed for the benefit of its customers, not for profit, dividends, or stockholders. The board’s only obligation will be to Maine ratepayers, not to CMP’s foreign governments or global banks.
Consumer-owned utility companies often outperform investor-owned utilities because of one essential difference: the latter serve their shareholders while consumer-owned utilities serve their ratepayer/owners.
There is more good news for local contractors. According to the language of the law, if the existing local union labor can do a job, the company has to give preference to contracting them, rather than contracting to outside businesses.
To learn more truths about Pine Tree Power, check out
Linda Woods
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