Maybe if the Medicare Advantage plans spent a little less money on advertising and spent it on the services they claim to provide, us older folks would be a lot better off.

Half the time, those private insurers, being paid by Medicare funds, don’t give you the services and goods they promise. When you call them to ask why not, they put you through a dozen hoops and repeatedly ask you the same redundant questions. Then they fail to tell you that they have to talk to someone else. After they’ve had you on hold for half an hour, the next person asks you the same questions that were asked before. That second person tells you they can’t answer your question and says you now have to talk to yet another person and before you know it, you’re on hold again. Often, they have you fill out numerous forms and when you inquire about the status of the form you sent them, they tell you they never received it or you didn’t fill it out right and you have to do it all over, again.

I just wish that Medicare would administer their own Advantage Plans and bypass the greedy private insurers.

If not, then just call those plans what they really are: Disadvantage Plans.

Peter P. Sirois


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