On an impressive, city block-long post office building in New York City these inspiring words are engraved: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

Well, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, like a one-man wrecking crew, has undermined those lofty words since being appointed in 2020 by cutting back on post office hours, shutting down mail processing plants, and disassembling many mail sorting machines. This man has a glaring conflict of interest by having investments in a private distribution center, XPO Logistics.

I know I am not alone in experiencing a serious decline in postal pickup and delivery of mail. I recently attempted, four times over an hour period, to call the local post office to inquire if the carrier had been kidnapped or gone AWOL, only to hear the phone ring incessantly until it was cut off.

I’m sure the workers are doing their best but are handicapped by all these drastic cutbacks. How much longer must we put up with DeJoy’s obvious sabotaging of a once respected, reliable, and for many people crucial service?


George Hite


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