MADISON — Residents voted to recall Selectman Glen Mantor in a special election Tuesday, and elected Shawn Bean to replace him, according to preliminary results.

There were two articles on the ballot: one on whether or not to recall Mantor, and a second question on who would complete the rest of Mantor’s term as selectman if he were to be recalled. On the first question, there were 209 votes in support of recalling Mantor, and 154 votes against, according to early results from Town Clerk Triss Smith on Tuesday night.

There were two candidates on the ballot for the second article, Bean and Daxton Winchester. Bean received 221 votes and Winchester had 34 votes.

Bean will take over the seat immediately, Smith said, and will serve until the original term expires in June 2024.

The special election came after a citizen petition received over 200 signatures in support. A primary factor in the recall was the debate last year over the hiring of a full-time code enforcement officer for the town and critics that said Mantor let his personal feelings drive his decision to reject a request for a full-time officer.

One of the organizers of the recall effort, Amber Meunier, said last month Mantor is among three selectmen who are “putting personal feelings ahead of what’s best for the town.” She said Mantor voted to carry money forward to fund other municipal positions, but not the code enforcement post.

Mantor previously said he opposed the full-time officer due to the increased cost to the town for the position, and because he did not feel there was a need for a full-time post.

“I’ve always watched the money more than other people, I guess,” Mantor said last month.

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